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Some of these changes to the brain may be permanent, including memory loss. Another issue with alcohol consumption and anger is that the person is less likely to consider the consequences of their actions¹. They may get in a fight and not think about going to jail or losing a friendship. Psychotherapy is the core treatment element in most alcohol rehab programs.

It’s important that you don’t try to detox on your own because some of the withdrawal symptoms from alcohol abuse can be dangerous and even fatal. Most rehabs will address how the drinking has alcohol and anger hurt the client’s spouse and children by providing couples counseling and family therapy. Anger management and conflict resolution are other coping tools that are often taught in rehab.

Is Anger A Sign of Alcoholism?

It can cause problems with the pancreas and even increase the risk of developing several types of cancer. Too much alcohol can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to diseases². Studies show that displays of anger are seen more often in men than in women and in people who already tend toward anger. Research also indicates that people who become angry after drinking cannot identify facial expressions correctly. Alcohol can provide a distraction from various negative emotions, including anger.

While hard to not take these angry outbursts to heart, it does help to look at the bigger picture. By this point, they seem to be unaware of their alcoholic rage actions. Comorbidity between conditions that cause one to frequently experience anger and alcohol abuse is more common than one might think. Nearly 10 million adults exhibit both a behavioral disorder and an addiction with each making the other more severe in a vicious cycle.

Social factors of alcohol and rage

This is part of our ongoing commitment to ensure FHE Health is trusted as a leader in mental health and addiction care. It’s a very important area of the brain directly impacted by alcohol use. The limbic system is responsible for our reactions to perceived threats. An example would be if you were to get cut off by another driver on a busy or chaotic highway. Your heart may start to race, your palms might get sweaty, and you may feel like your entire body is “on alert” for the next 15 minutes.

These ‘masked emotions’ may include hurt, fear, loneliness, anxiety, and grief. Learning to identify what you’re actually feeling is key to moving past anger, and expressing yourself to others can help you get there. Seek out a strong support system that is willing to give you honest feedback. This can include a therapist, support groups, or people in your everyday life. These support people can help you see your part in situations, identify emotions, and hold you accountable to healthier coping skills.

Not Everyone Gets Aggressive While Drunk

In a WHO assessment on domestic violence and alcohol, 55% of surveyed Americans stated they thought their partner was intoxicated during a physical assault. In most cases, women are at a higher risk of experiencing alcohol-related domestic violence from male partners. When it comes to anger specifically, people may experience a phenomenon called “alcohol myopia” in addition to their already heightened emotions. This scenario involves losing your sense of perception under the influence. As a result, you may be overly aggressive during a situation where you’d otherwise notice the cues that tell you to think more rationally.

While the early months of the alcohol recovery timeline can bring about many positive changes, they can also feel like an emotional rollercoaster. Your body and brain are healing, and without the numbing qualities of alcohol, it’s natural for intense emotions to arise, including anger. As a therapist on the Monument platform, I often work with my patients to identify the root cause of their anger, and establish healthier ways to process intense emotions in sobriety. If you believe you’re displaying more than one of these behaviors, you might be dealing with a dry drunk syndrome or another co-occurring disorder in your recovery. Consider speaking with an addiction therapist to discuss your feelings and explore the various treatment outlets to find happiness and fulfillment in your sober life.

The Impact of Anger on Constriction of Perception and Assessment

Plenty of people are friendly as can be when sober, but when they drink, they become mean and hurtful. Once you have graduated from this program, you can move on to our outpatient addiction treatment program. We also offer aftercare and 12-step meetings to help you continue to receive the support you need and avoid relapse. Our team is here to help you be successful and learn how to regain control of your emotions and feelings instead of turning to alcohol.

alcohol and anger